Arriva la Nutella per vegani

Vegan Nutella is coming soon

La Nutella è un cibo amato in tutto il mondo. ogni anno c’è anche un Nutella World Day.

La Ferrero, l’azienda italiana della Nutella, ha deciso di vendere anche la versione vegana della Nutella.

La “Nutella Plant Based” avrà solo ingredienti vegetali, e arriverà nei supermercati nei prossimi mesi.


amato/a: loved – 被爱的

l’ azienda: company – 公司

vegano/a: vegan – 纯素的

l’ ingrediente: ingredient – 成分

vegetale: vegetable – 蔬菜的


Decidere + DI + v.

“…ha deciso di vendere”
(…decided to sell)

As many Italian verbs, decidere (to decide) is followed by the preposition “DI” in front of VERB (infinitive).

V. + PREP. + V. (infinitive)

– Hai deciso DI partire? (Have you decided to leave?)
– Cosa hanno decido DI fare? (What have they decided to do?)


Nutella is a beloved food worldwide. Every year, there is also a Nutella World Day.

Ferrero, the Italian company behind Nutella, has decided to sell a vegan version of Nutella.

The “Nutella Plant Based” will have only plant-based ingredients and will arrive in supermarkets in the coming months.

