
what is newspapero?🤌

Newspapero (aka Papero) is a newspaper specifically created for Italian language learners around the world. 

Here, you’ll find the most interesting, fun, and cool news about Italy and the world, written at 3 different levels: elementary, intermediate, and advanced.

so, no matter how good your Italian is, here you’ll always find daily good news – and bad jokes 🙂

Moreover, each article comes with some useful resources: a selection of keywordshighlighted and explained grammar structures, the audio version read by a native speaker, the full English translation, and last but not least, a final quiz to review your reading!

and who is papero?🤌

Papero means duck 🦆 in Italian – so he’s obviously a duck. 

Behind his grumpy beacon, however, there’s a bunch of qualified, coffee-addicted, four-eyed-bookworm Italian language teachers who love languages and enjoy making a mess out of them.

Mostly, Papero wants to be a big family, and we hope you’d like to be a part of that too.

ok, but why this ridiculous name?

Sorry? 😑

First of all, that o at the end of newspaper is not a typo (yes, Google, we’re talking to you…). 

You know, Italians who don’t speak great English often take wild guesses by chopping off the last vowel of Italian words. For example, they might guess that lettera in English is letter – good call. Following the same logic, an English speaker might guess that newspaper in Italian should be newspapero.

Makes sense, no? No. But we love it anyway.
And who doesn’t like grumpy ducks, after all? (yes, Donald Duck, we’re thinking of you).

That’s all. If you’re curious about anything else or just want to say ciao and tell us who you are, drop us a line!